Morphodite (2011-2014)
a chronology of desire and defeat
DSLR-Film, 39:55 min, b/w, with English/Latin subtitles
Version I (2011) silent version
Version II (2014) silent version
Morphodite, a derogatory term for "hermaphrodite" derives from Hermaphroditos, a mythological figure from Ovid's Metamorphoses.This story forms the core of the film. All plots lead to the encounter between the nymph Salmacis and the young man Hermaphroditos that will eventually become a myth.
Salmacis / Hermaphroditos: Maria Spannring
Hermaphroditos: Jakob Egger
Polyphem: Jakob Beubler
Gaia Etelka: Polgar
Uranos: Jakob Beubler
Cyklops I / God: Dominik Stritzki
Cyklops II / God: Matthias Klein
Cyklops III / Zeus: Tobias Stritzki
Cronos: Emanuel Mauthe
Rhea: Erika Lang
Satyr: Otto O. Krause
Leto: Veronika Schmidinger
Artemis: Katja Hoffmann
Galatea: Martina Ebm
Acis: Christopher Wurmdobler
Nymphs: Ursina Fink, Susa Kellermayr, Anna Prokopova, Katherina Spiegl, Elena Tober
Chaos: Petr Ochvat
Actaeon: Kajetan Uranitsch
Director / Concept: Sophie LUX
Choreography: Bärbel Strehlau
Costume design: Otto O. Krause
Set Design: Stefanie Muther
Screenplay: Sophie LUX, Cornelius Edlefsen
Art/Set Department: Kaja Dymnicki, Nora Pierer, Andrea Simeon, Eva Gumpenberger, Elisabeth Vogetseder, Simon Sramek, Christoph Fischer, Dimitri Tsiakas
Make-Up / Hairstyle: Elizabeth Safranek, Edit Tamas
Production Coordinator: Daniel Pfeiffer, Christine Krautzer
Assistant Director: Clara Wolf
Photo: Sophie LUX